Sunday, June 27, 2010


Well, I found out today that my marriage was worse than I thought for much longer than I thought. That was annoying.
Also, my husband has started only using restricted numbers to call me. This is similar to a tactic he often used while we were married when he thought I was doing something that he didn't want me to do. He would block his number and call me, thinking that I would never catch on the the fact that he was the only one who ever called from a blocked number. And, because I would clearly never be able to tell who was calling me, he would expect me to answer and somehow incriminate myself. Who am I supposed to think was calling me from a restricted number at a quarter after midnight last night? Am I meant to assume that Commissioner Gordon is calling to tell me that the Penguin is at it again? He would clearly have to call from a restricted number so that the Riddler wouldn't trace his call.
I don't think so. The only person who thinks I'm that stupid is my husband, the Joker.

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