Sunday, June 3, 2012

Once Again

I haven't been doing a lot of writing lately. I don't just mean that I haven't been blogging; that's obvious. It seems that the only substantial writing I've been doing at all has been for BTSA (a program that new teachers have to complete before renewing their credentials), and I'm not sure that writing can be called substantial, either.
I miss the creative writing classes that I took in college. I remember feeling so close to all of my classmates, because we were all putting pieces of ourselves on paper and sharing them with each other. During that time, I developed a desire to be published. It wasn't necessarily important for anyone to actually read my writing, but I wanted it to get out there, to be available. A good way to never achieve that goal is to stop writing, like I did.
Well, here I am, writing again. I could have chosen to start a new blog or to add to a different long-abandoned blog from some yesteryear, but I feel that this one has the most of me in it already. I've gone back and re-read all my previous entries, and I'm not sure I have the same amount of passion that I used to. However, the good news is that I'm much less depressing these days.
So, not that this is news to anyone who might actually read this, but here's a bit of an update from the last time I posted: I finished the credential program and got a job teaching freshman English. My first year of teaching will be over in a matter of days, and I definitely feel like I'm in the right place doing the right thing. Teaching is not only a lot of work, but it is extremely emotionally demanding. Maybe that's why it fits me so well. I'm good at emotional. I moved for my job, so I'm now living on my own and I go to a very small singles' branch where I serve as the music coordinator and a Sunday School teacher.
As far as the divorce goes, it's been over for a while. I don't exactly stay in contact with my ex, but he has made a few feeble attempts to make me see how he has "changed." I'm much better at being alone now, at saying no, and, as such, there hasn't been any significant news in the way of having any new men in my life, either.
I have some pretty exciting plans this summer, which is rare for me. Hopefully, it will give me some writing material.

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